Little Lego Me...

I'm not exactly sure where this story starts.  At our school one of our Positive Behavior Support initiatives is the Yee-Haw.  Classes earn Yee-Haws for attendance, behavior, etc.  When the class reaches a specific number of Yee-Haws they roll the dice for a reward.  One of the rewards is Lunch with a School Celebrity.  The idea behind it I think was they'd get to each lunch with an administrator, and calling it a celebrity made it so it was vague enough that whoever was available would be able to fill the need. BUT instead. they let the students pick the school celebrity, and one of the fifth grade classes picked me.   My husband thought this was hilarious, me being a school celebrity.  But I rolled with it, told the kids that if they let me have lunch with them on Tuesday (instead of that day) I'd even bake them a treat.

So how did I get to be a Lego lady?  One of these amazing students wanted to give me an super awesome Christmas present.  He designed a Lego mini-figure of me through a company that specializes in such things.  How cool is that?  He even made it so the figure had science goggles!

So, I'm a school celebrity AND I even have a mini Lego me.  I couldn't be more happy.


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