
Showing posts from April, 2021

It's Been a Minute.....

 When you realize that you haven't blogged in such a long time that you don't even remember what the name of your blog is...oops. Well things certainly have changed since the last time I posted. I left my fifth grade science position at Melrose Elementary, which I absolutely loved, to be closer to home and on the same schedule as my boys. It was a big decision, in the process I lost my continuing contract, with no hope to ever have one again. But it was the dream job, STEM teacher at the STEM magnet school, like 5 miles from my house! I was over the moon excited! Such a cool position, such a unique position, and I really enjoyed my role. Never did I think I'd resign, because...dream job. But unfortunately, COVID. Through many tears, like a ton, in late July, early August 2020 I realized the best thing for my family was to resign. My boys would be doing digital school from home and needed to have someone to monitor what was going on. While my husband was working from home, h...