SSYRA 2018-2019
My goal has been to read most of the Sunshine State Young Reader books each year. Some years I do better than others. Usually I start in the summer to give myself a good head start before the craziness of the school year takes hold and and it gets pushed way back to the back burner.
This year is no different. When the list came out, I used all my Scholastic Book Club points to order as many titles as I could. And as usual, I was a bit disappointed by the selection that Scholastic had at that point. I was able to get a handful of titles in my possession before the year ended.
This year is no different. When the list came out, I used all my Scholastic Book Club points to order as many titles as I could. And as usual, I was a bit disappointed by the selection that Scholastic had at that point. I was able to get a handful of titles in my possession before the year ended.
Zoey and Sassafrass: Dragons and Marshmallows By Asia Citro
I really enjoyed reading this book it was quick. It was relatively low level, but the content is one that as a science teacher I LOVED. The character was great, a girl using the scientific method. The principles of scientific investigation were repeated throughout, but not in an in your face way.The Sweetest Sound By Sherri Winston
This book was good. Sweet story about a quiet girl trying to figure out who she is and who she is meant to be. A good tale about overcoming shyness and building courage.
Welcome to Wonderland: Home Sweet Motel by Chris Grabenstien
There is so much about this book that I love. First off the author wrote Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library which was a SSYRA book a few years ago. That book was AWESOME! This book is equally as great.
First off, while it isn't quite Carl Hiaasen's flavor of Florida, it definitely made me smile. The whole pretense of the Wonderland Motel is something that I can relate to. (I mean, have you driven down US 301? What must have pre-interstate Florida have been?) The characters are quirky and loveable. The author uses subtle clues that don't hit you in the face with their obviousness.
I certainly hope that this is one of the favorites of my fifth graders this year. Great story, great characters, and an added bonus it is part of series.
So in the words of Doctor O from Odd Squad, "What's next!" I'm hoping that my local library has a copy of "I Love You, Michael Collins". I do love space, and even if this book has loose ties to an astronaut, I think I am in.
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