Edcamps Changed My Life
Last year Edcamp St. Aug was my first Edcamp. It changed my life, no really it did. I went in extremely unsure of myself, not knowing what to expect, I was with my principal, and I knew no one else. I was completely out of my comfort zone. Best. Day. Ever. The atmosphere was inspiring. The student led tour of the absolutely AMAZING Palencia Elementary School was jaw dropping. The stuff they do at this school; gardens, recycling, weather station, solar panels, nighttime ice making for daytime cooling purposes…. WOW! Above the physical atmosphere, the people, oh man the people. So crazy teachers, principals, coaches that give up part of their Saturday to learn and share with others, these people are who I want to align myself with. These are the people that are going to change the world. I want to be one of those people. I don’t exactly remember all the sessions I went to. I walked away with more information that I could ...