Outdoor Classroom

About a year ago a friend posted something on Facebook about a project at the school where she taught.  A volunteer group called Project Makeover from the local university came to her school and over the course of a weekend they created some amazing learning spaces on their campus.  The thing that really struck me was the outdoor classroom.  I think this is where the idea for needing an outdoor classroom at my school came from.

Then last summer at Edcamp Magic the idea grew.  I was crammed into a session, which I don't even remember what the topic was, but a teacher spoke very eloquently about the students' need to be outside.  How research shows improvement in test scores of students who spend some time outdoors. 

Then while at the same Edcamp seeing some of their learning spaces, and having conversations with my colleagues I knew I had to somehow make it a reality.

When school resumed I told a parent about my idea.  This parent is AMAZING by the way.  She is helping to make this idea a reality.

She was able to acquire electrical spools for tables and pieces of wood to be used as stools.  We've had some great conversations about what it's going to look like.  Today was a work day progress has been made.  Taking these materials and making into something that will ultimately make an amazing learning space.

The spool tables before they were sanded and painted
Base coat applied to the bottom of the table

Sample of a completed stool

Pieces of painted wood to be made into stools.

Student helpers mixing paint


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