Edcamp Putnam...Melrose 2018 :)
My first Edcamp was Edcamp St. Augustine in the spring of 2016, can I say life changing event. That day was magical for me, completely transformed my conceptions of other educators, learning, sharing, and what I could do. It blew me away. The whole ride back I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I had never experience professional development like that before. I had never walked away with such a vast amount of knowledge. And up until that point I didn't really know what I was missing. I had a taste of awesomeness and I needed more. After that day I knew I needed to share that magical feeling with others, and bring back that magic I felt to my school. Well today it happend Edcamp Putnam, Melrose style. It was our third Edcamp Putnam, but this year it was in my house, my home. And perhaps I might be a little bias, but BEST EDCAMP PUTNAM, yet. Our first year we had 12 people attend, and most of those were ones we had convince...