
Showing posts from July, 2018

Edcamp Putnam...Melrose 2018 :)

My first Edcamp was Edcamp St. Augustine in the spring of 2016, can I say life changing event.  That day was magical for me, completely transformed my conceptions of other educators, learning, sharing, and what I could do.  It blew me away.  The whole ride back I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.  I had never experience professional development like that before.  I had never walked away with such a vast amount of knowledge.  And up until that point I didn't really know what I was missing.  I had a taste of awesomeness and I needed more. After that day I knew I needed to share that magical feeling with others, and bring back that magic I felt to my school.  Well today it happend Edcamp Putnam, Melrose style.  It was our third Edcamp Putnam, but this year it was in my house, my home.  And perhaps I might be a little bias, but BEST EDCAMP PUTNAM, yet. Our first year we had 12 people attend, and most of those were ones we had convinced to help us put it on.  We've learne