CS Ed Week Hour of Code...my favorite week of the year ;)
Last year was my first year participating in the Hour of Code. Prior to this I had no clue it even existed. And honestly last year I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I got the kids on the computer, pointed them at Code.org and off they went. We sort of learned on the way, kids were doing some incredible stuff, and I saw how powerful the activities were. How far I have come in just a year. Code.org is an "I'm Finished Activity" in my room. I introduced it in the first few weeks of school. I participated in Code training at the beginning of the summer and picked up a LOT of cool activities to do with my students. This year we started off Computer Science Education Week early. I pulled one of the cool activities I did in my Code.org training and brought it to my students. I had the students do graph paper coding. The initial direction was to have students shade in 8 squares on their 4x4 graph paper and then write direction...